Thursday, 10 October 2013

Goals? Forcefully so.

68 days left. 13 days past.

Recently, I have found myself forced to adapt my life to certain goals. These 'goals' may not even be freely chosen.... but nevertheless has made a dramatic alteration to the way my run-of-the-mill boring life operates.

Not Driving

Once you have experienced the comfort and convenience of driving everywhere, all day, everyday... you also come to take it as granted. Life is oh-so-easy until some uniformed man with a gun takes away your freedom. A radar gun.

Granted, it was my error in every way for not sticking to the regulations posited, but do you think I need constant reminders from everyone else I come into contact with? Do you think I don't know I messed up? ANYONE PLACED IN THE SAME SITUATION WOULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT OUT. Yet no one will admit this. Everyone just sees themselves as lucky, and me as wrong. Enough ranting. Back to the topic at hand....

Not driving has in fact freed me more than driving has. I have many more meaningful, personal conversations in the 10-20 minute car rides I have with people. I have come to realise what it really means when someone graciously offers you a ride. I have started jogging....

Why jogging?
It is a form of transportation, and if it makes me that little bit fitter then whyever not?
It saves me from inconveniencing anyone apart from myself, allows me to see what I can really do. Sounds impossible. It's not. It is actually infinitely easier than I expected it to be. NB: When I say jog. I mean run really fast for a bit, then walk for a lot.

No Facebook

Yes. I'm an outcast. No Facebook? If something happens in my life now, did it really happen? Apparently not, as it was not recorded on the historical scrolls of Facebook. But what I have lost in social networking I have gained in time.

'Catch-ups' mean a lot more to me now. I am out of the loop. Out of the circle. And I love it.

Research shows Facebook makes you more depressed. Probably. Maybe. I would say so. Trust me.

It has been a wonderful experience though. I have been watching Television with my father almost every night. I procrastinate by browsing eBay or Carsales; neither of which makes me feel any happier or sadder.

I have people texting me asking where I have disappeared to. But really I deactivated for no reason at all. It just happened. Spontaneously, abruptly. As all good things should.

I don't understand super sad people. That makes me come off as a douche. But I really don't understand. Why be sad. Just deactivate facebook. Talk to some humans face-to-face. You'll gain more confidence, actually meet NEW people, and maybe even come off as a bit interesting, or perhaps daring.

I have never felt so simultaneously excluded and satisfied in my life. My thoughts are being more organised. I watch more movies. My 'waste of time' now does not even appear that way to me. I have gained HALF my life back.

I will stay hidden for as long as I feel comfortable. See where this road takes me. See what I become. I hope I become happier in my ignorance. Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing.

Everyone should try it.

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